So, you're getting a "Steam Manifest Unavailable" error and can't play or download a game? Well, you're not alone in this. This is when Steam's client fails to access crucial files to download or update the most popular games on the platform, such as *Dota 2*, *CS:GO*, or *Rainbow Six Siege*. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to fix the Steam Manifest Unavailable error and get back to gaming.
What is the Steam Manifest Unavailable Error?
The Steam Manifest Unavailable error usually occurs due to the inability of Steam to see the list of files for a game that may need to download. This issue can often be caused by regional downloading issues, DNS configuration errors, or even interference from any installed antivirus software. Let's take a closer look at the solution.
How To Fix Steam Manifest Unavailable Error
1. Steam Download Region Change
Steam provides the option of region download to attempt improving download speeds. Sometimes, changing download regions can even clear Manifest Unavailable errors.
- Open Steam Settings: Locate Steam and click on "File" > "Settings."
- Proceed to Downloads: On the left-hand sidebar, select "Downloads" to access download settings.
- **Change Download Region**: Change your download region to something closer to you but not at your current selected region. This might increase download speeds and fix the problem.
- **Restart Steam**: Once done, close the Steam application and then restart it.
- **Press Windows + R** and type "steam://flush config" in the Run dialog box. Accept on Steam dialog box where your download cache will be wiped clean and you need to login again.
-Click ok. Open Steam, entering login credentials again.
2. DNS flush in command prompt
- Windows + R again. You will key in "cmd" and open command prompt.
- In your command prompt, you shall enter "ipconfig /flush dns" and then strike the Enter button.
- Restart Your Computer: After a DNS cache is cleared of its entries, you now need to restart your computer.
3. Disable Antivirus:
Try to disable your antivirus software, and see if the issue persists.
- Test Steam: If it doesn't appear after you disable your antivirus, include Steam as an exception to your antivirus settings or choose a more Steam-friendly antivirus.
- **Most Common Antivirus Software**
- *AVG, McAfee, Windows Defender, Avast, Kaspersky*
If the problem continues, try disabling the Windows Firewall to see if it's interfering. Do not forget to enable your antivirus and firewall once you are done with the test.
If none of that works, reinstallation is usually a pretty final resort when Steam Manifest Unavailable error crops up. Restoring Steam, by the way will download the games you already have saved so that must be avoided.
4. Reinstall Steam if nothing of the above works.
Steam Manifest Unavailable: Solved
With these steps, you should be able to solve the Steam Manifest Unavailable error and get back to gaming. For the latest news and updates, stay tuned to