Starfield Performance Issues: Major Programming Faults Identified


Starfield, one of the most anticipated games of the year, has been facing significant performance issues since its release. Contrary to initial beliefs that hardware limitations were to blame, recent findings suggest that the root cause lies in the game's programming.

A vkd3d developer uncovered major programming faults that are causing the game to underperform. Gamers with systems that meet or exceed the recommended specifications have reported crashes, low frame rates, and significant lag. This discovery was brought to light by a Reddit user named Nefsen402, who detailed these issues in a post that has since gained substantial traction.

1. Programming Flaws in Starfield

According to Nefsen402, the primary issue lies in how Starfield handles memory allocation. The game struggles to align with the CPU page size, leading to crashes, especially on systems with less powerful GPU drivers. The Reddit user referenced a vkd3d change log and GitHub comments to support these claims.

Another critical flaw involves Starfield's misuse of the ExecuteIndirect feature in DirectX 12 (DX12). This feature is intended to optimize CPU usage during rendering, but Starfield fails to provide the correct hints to the GPU, causing it to restart processes unnecessarily. This improper usage results in decreased performance, including frequent crashes and reduced frame rates.

Furthermore, the game reportedly initiates ExecuteIndirect calls sequentially rather than in parallel, which exacerbates the performance issues by placing additional strain on the system.

2. Community Reaction and Bethesda’s Silence

The revelations have sparked significant discussion within the gaming community. Many gamers have expressed frustration and disappointment, agreeing with the findings presented by Nefsen402. However, some users remain skeptical and are awaiting an official response from Bethesda.

To date, Bethesda has not issued a statement addressing these claims. It remains unclear whether the company is aware of these specific issues or if any steps are being taken to resolve them.

3. The Broader Impact on Gamers

These performance issues are not just technical hurdles; they impact the overall gaming experience. Players have reported that the frequent crashes and lag make it difficult to enjoy the game. For many, the immersion and excitement promised by Starfield are overshadowed by these persistent technical problems.

4. Steps Gamers Can Take

While awaiting an official fix from Bethesda, there are a few steps players can take to mitigate these issues:

  1. Update Drivers: Ensure that your GPU drivers are up to date, as this can sometimes resolve compatibility issues.
  2. Adjust Settings: Lowering the game's graphics settings might reduce the strain on your system and improve performance.
  3. Community Fixes: Keep an eye on forums and community posts for potential unofficial patches or workarounds shared by other players.

5. Looking Ahead

The community's reaction indicates a widespread demand for clarity and action from Bethesda. Whether these programming faults will be addressed in future updates remains to be seen, but for now, gamers continue to grapple with a less-than-optimal experience in Starfield.

6. Potential Long-Term Effects on Bethesda

The performance issues in Starfield could have long-term effects on Bethesda’s reputation. Gamers expect high-quality releases, especially from renowned developers. If these issues remain unresolved, it could impact the sales of future Bethesda titles and shake the confidence of the gaming community in the company’s ability to deliver polished products.

7. Comparisons with Other Game Releases

Performance issues in newly released games are not uncommon, but the extent of Starfield's problems has drawn comparisons to other troubled launches, such as Cyberpunk 2077. Observing how Bethesda handles these issues can offer insights into industry standards and expectations for post-launch support and patching.

8. Player Experiences and Feedback

Many players have taken to social media and forums to share their experiences with Starfield. Some have detailed the specific issues they've encountered, while others have provided feedback on what they believe could improve the game. This direct feedback is invaluable for developers and can drive future updates and patches.

9. Modding Community to the Rescue?

The modding community has a history of stepping in to fix issues that developers overlook. It’s possible that talented modders will develop patches or modifications to improve Starfield’s performance. Players should watch for mods that might enhance their gaming experience.

10. The Future of Starfield

Despite its rocky start, Starfield has the potential to become a landmark title if the performance issues are addressed. The game’s expansive universe and intricate details have captivated many players, and a few crucial updates could restore faith in the game.


While these allegations remain speculative without official confirmation, the performance issues experienced by players are undeniable. The gaming community is eagerly awaiting a response from Bethesda and hopes for a resolution to enhance their gameplay experience.

Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below. Your feedback is vital in understanding the broader impact of these issues and pushing for the changes needed to improve Starfield for everyone.

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