John Hight Leaves Blizzard After 12 Years: A Goodbye to Warcraft


John Hight, who led Blizzard's Warcraft franchise for 12 years, has announced he's moving on. He joined Blizzard in 2011 and held key roles, overseeing games like Mists of Pandaria and Diablo 3 expansions. Hight's leadership shaped Warcraft's direction, focusing on its community and future growth.

1. His Journey at Blizzard

Starting as a Senior Producer, Hight worked on popular expansions like Mists of Pandaria and later became Vice President and Executive Producer of World of Warcraft. He believed in Warcraft's potential for at least another 20 years, guiding it through its "Third Era."

2. Saying Goodbye

In a heartfelt message, Hight thanked the Blizzard community for their support and shared how much he enjoyed his time developing games. His departure has received immense respect from colleagues and fans, showing how much he meant to Warcraft and gaming.

3. Legacy and Impact

Hight's departure marks the end of an era at Blizzard but opens new opportunities for him in game development. His leadership ensured Warcraft continued to grow and innovate, leaving a lasting legacy in the gaming world.

4. What's Next

While Hight hasn't announced his next move, fans are eager to see where his expertise will take him next. Warcraft fans can look forward to future updates and new projects, knowing Hight's influence will still be felt in the gaming industry.

In conclusion, John Hight's departure from Blizzard after leading Warcraft for over a decade leaves behind a legacy of growth and community-driven development. His dedication and vision have shaped Warcraft's success and set a high standard for the future of gaming.

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